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  • Northbound Revival - The Journey Begins
    Northbound Revival - The Journey Begins
    السبت، 12 أبريل
    Come along and ride on a fantastic voyage! Join the new musical group Northbound Revival in a show unlike any Thompson has ever seen! A diverse selection of Pop, Soul, Rock, Country, Jazz and everything in between will leave feeling like your on a musical journey. Tickets available now!
  • Baby Beats 2025!
    Baby Beats 2025!
    تواريخ متعددة
    الثلاثاء، 22 أبريل
    Welcome back to Thompson! Manitoba Conservatory for Music and Art returns this year with a fantastic program that's going to make your rock! Coffee and snack will be ready! Registration is open for you to join now!
  • From Sketching to Painting
    From Sketching to Painting
    Date and time is TBD
    3 levels to chose from starting with sketching basics line drawing, shading, and blending. To advanced experimentation and innovation, Conceptual Development and professional practices providing guidance such as preparing portfolios, exhibiting artwork, and pursuing opportunities in the art world
  • Thompson Music program
    Thompson Music program
    Are you passionate about learning guitar or enhancing your vocal skills? Look no further! We offer comprehensive courses tailored to your needs and skill level. Whether you're a beginner or aiming to polish your expertise, our structured programs ensure an enriching musical journey.
  • Artists Unite!
    Artists Unite!
    Time is TBD
    Location is TBD
    So guess what? Today, we get to invite a new member to our team! An artist as well as our new documentarian will be compiling stories of Artists throughout Northern Manitoba. Welcome and Thank You Andre Brandt, from "Andre Brandt Photography" Video release date TBA- EVENT SUSPENDED Due to Covid19
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